Refund and Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation Timeline Cancellations must be made at least 7-15 working days prior to the scheduled event date to be eligible for a refund.
Working days exclude weekends and public holidays.
Refund Eligibility:
Cancellations made within the specified timeline are eligible for a full refund, minus any applicable fees.
Refunds will not be issued for cancellations made less than 7 working days before the event date.
Refund Process:
To request a cancellation and refund, customers must contact Happyceremonies via email or phone, providing their booking details.
Refunds will be issued using the original method of payment within 7-15 days of the cancellation request.
Partial Refunds:
In certain circumstances, where services have already been rendered or expenses incurred by Happyceremonies, partial refunds may be granted at the discretion of management. Any applicable fees or costs incurred by Happyceremonies in processing the booking or cancellation may be deducted from the refund amount.
Force Majeure:
In the event of unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, extreme weather conditions, or other force majeure events, Happyceremonies reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the event without liability. In such cases, customers will be offered the option to reschedule the event or receive a full refund.
No refunds will be provided for non-attendance or failure to notify Happyceremonies of cancellation within the specified timeline.
Change of Date:
Customers may request a change of event date subject to availability and approval by Happyceremonies. Requests for date changes must be made at least 7 working days prior to the original event date.
It is the responsibility of the customer to notify Happyceremonies of any cancellations or changes to their booking in a timely manner.
Dispute Resolution:
Any disputes regarding refunds or cancellations will be resolved in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined on and the applicable laws of Karnataka.
Contact Information:
For assistance with cancellations or refund requests, please contact Happyceremonies customer service at contact email: